Steps to find words in
3 clicks.

Say the word you want to spell.

Before you begin, you need to "unmorph" the word you want to spell to the base word.  For example, to look up jumps, jumping,  or jumped - the base word is jump.

Click #1:  Click on the picture that matches the VERY LAST sound that you hear in the word.

Click #2:  Click on the picture that matches the VERY FIRST sound that you hear in the word.

Count the number of syllables in the word.  Find the column that matches the number of syllables.

Click #3:  Click on the base word that you wanted to spell.

Definitions and variations

Right click on the word and it will display the word in

Text to Speech (Windows) 
Use the Text to Speech tool to help find the word in long lists.

 Select word(s), Right Click, Copy and it will pronounce the word(s) for you.

3 Clicks Spelling
Dick Briggs ©2014
email: to recommend additional words.
Permission automatically granted to include link on your website.



Supplemental Tools

What is the schwa sound

Minimal Pair Practice:  Words differing in only one sound: bad/bed

Silent Letter Practice: Really tricky to spell.

Free Online Dictionaries:

Text to Speech Tool (Windows)

Inflectional Morphology Tool               
Plurals    Past Tense   + ing    + er

Use wildcards to find word patterns at

Research Article
How Spelling Supports Reading
Moats, L.C., American Education, Winter 2005/06
Retrieved and Linked 1-5-14.













